Comment:  A small nick appears in the top center of the middle crossbar of the “E” in the word LIBERTY.  This small nick will be present on issues from both mints as well as on proof coins.


1958  (Philadelphia)

Mintage:  31,910,000 + 875,652 proof  (32,785,652 total)



Doubled Die List


1958  PR-1-O-VI                      PUP:  Medium extra thickness on

                                                          date, JS, and TRUST.



1958  PR-1-R-II-C+VI              PUP:  Medium extra thickness on ONE

                                                          DIME, UNUM, and OF

                                                          AMERICA.  Splits in both stems.

                                                          Light extra thickness on UNITED











Mintage:  136,465,000 


Repunched Mint Mark List


1958-D  RPM #1

D/D Rotated CCW