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Send enquiries to:
Grand Blanc Associates
PO Box 86
Grand Blanc, Michigan
Attention: Richard
Having said all that, I now give my permission for anyone to download a single copy of Richard’s Roosevelt Review strictly for their own personal use. That copy may not be reproduced in any form or by any means. It is not to be sold, traded, or exchanged in any manner without my permission. The Copyright remains in effect.
To ease your mind over getting something for nothing and to ease mine for having giving it, if you have the means, it would be nice if you would send a charitable contribution to either of the following:
Gulliver Historical Society
672N West Gulliver Lake Rd.
Gulliver, Michigan
Donations to the Gulliver Historical Society are used for the preservation and maintenance of the Seul Choix Point Lighthouse. Information about this historic lighthouse can be obtained from several sites by doing an internet search for Seul Choix Point Lighthouse.
Imus Ranch, Inc.
PO Box 250
Ribera, New Mexico
The Imus Ranch is a working cattle ranch where kids with cancer and serious blood disorders spend about two weeks working side by side with ranch wranglers doing ranch chores, learning to ride horses and rope calves, rounding up cattle, herding and feeding sheep, and generally experiencing the life of the western cowboy. The ranch is fully equipped and staffed to meet the special needs of these kids. You can get more information by doing an internet search for Imus Ranch.