

Mintage:  61,043,500  (All types)


Design types are the same as those for the 1946 Philadelphia issues.


Comment:  At this time, it appears that only one "D" punch was used to apply the mintmark.  It is best characterized by the vertical bar which is wider on the bottom than it is on the top.




Repunched Mint Mark List


1946-D  RPM #1

D/D East




1946-D  RPM #2

D/D Southeast


 1946-D  RPM #3

D/D South



1946-D  RPM #4

D/D South



                                                           1946-D  RPM #5

D/D South



1946-D  RPM #6

D/D Southeast



1946-D  RPM #7

D/D North



1946-D  RPM #8

D/D South




1946-D  RPM #9

D/D Southeast


1946-D  RPM #10

D/D/D South and West

                                                     Note:  Obverse is listed as

                                                     doubled die 11-O-II-C+VI.


1946-D  RPM #11

D/D South

                                                     Note:  Reverse is listed as

                                                     doubled die 9-R-II-C+VI.    

1946-D  RPM #12

D/D North



1946-D  RPM #13

D/D Southeast



1946-D  RPM #14

D/D West




1946-D  RPM #15

D/D North



1946-D  RPM #16

D/D North

Note:  Reverse is listed as

doubled die 5-R-V-CCW.


1946-D  RPM #17

D/D South


1946-D  RPM #18

D/D South


1946-D  RPM #19

D/D South


1946-D  RPM #20

D/D Southeast




1946-D  RPM #21

D/D North



1946-D  RPM #22

D/D North



1946-D  RPM #23

D/D West


1946-D  RPM #24

D/D/D West, Serifs


1946-D  RPM #25

D/D South


   1946-D  RPM #26

D/D South





Doubled Die List


1946-D  1-O-V-CCW     PUP:  Medium spread on date, JS side by

                                                side, and IN GOD WE TRUST.

                                                Light spread on LIBERTY.


                                                 Note:  This obverse has been paired

                                                            with the reverse doubled die

                                                            identifiable as 6-R-II-C.



                                             Reverse (6-R-II-C) of 1946-D 1-O-V-CCW





1946-D  2-O-IV+VIII     PUP:  Medium spread on date, JS top to

                                                bottom, and the "Y" of LIBERTY.


1946-D  3-O-IV+VIII     PUP:  Strong spread on date, JS top to

                                                bottom, and IN GOD WE TRUST.


1946-D  4-O-V-CCW     PUP:  Medium spread on date, JS side by

                                                side, and IN GOD WE TRUST.


1946-D  5-O-II-C           PUP:  Light spread on LIBERTY and upper






1946-D  6-O-V-CCW    PUP:  Medium spread on JS side by side,

                                               IN GOD WE TRUST, and LIBERTY.


1946-D  7-O-V-CCW     PUP:  Medium spread on IN GOD WE
                                                TRUST, date, and JS side by side,

                                                with light spread on LIBERTY.


1946-D  8-O-V-CCW     PUP:  Medium spread on LIBERTY.


                                                 Note:  This obverse has been paired

                                                            with the reverse doubled die

                                                            identifiable as 4-R-II-C.


1946-D  9-O-V-CCW     PUP:  Light spread on date, JS side by side,

                                               and IN GOD WE TRUST.


1946-D  10-O-II-C         PUP:  Light spread on IN GOD WE TRUST.


1946-D  11-O-II-C+       PUP:  Light spread and extra thickness on

              VI                             date, JS, IN GOD WE TRUST, and



                                                 Note:  This doubled die is also

                                                            identifiable as having RPM# 10.



1946-D  12-O-V-CW     PUP:  Light spread on date, JS side by side,

                                               IN GOD WE TRUST, and profile.


1946-D  13-O-IV+VIII   PUP:  Medium spread on date, JS top to

                                                bottom, and IN GOD WE TRUST.




1946-D  1-R-II-C+V       PUP:  Light spread on UNITED STATES OF

                                                AMERICA, ONE DIME, left branch,

                                                and E PLURIBUS.



1946-D  2-R-II-V+         PUP:  Medium spread on AMERICA, UNUM,

             CCW                          and Right leaves with rotation on dot

                                                and DIME.



1946-D  3-R-II-C+           PUP:  Light spread on AMERICA and

              V-CW                         UNUM with rotation on ONE DIME.



1946-D  4-R-II-C           PUP:  Light spread on DIME, UNUM, dot,

                                               right stem, and RICA of AMERICA.


                                                 Note:  This reverse has also been

                                                           paired with the obverse

                                                           identifiable as 8-O-V-CCW.



1946-D  5-R-V-CCW     PUP:  Light spread on UNITED and ONE



                                                 Note:  This reverse has also been

                                                            identified as having RPM #16.




1946-D  6-R-II-C           PUP:  Light spread on DIME and UNUM.


                                                Note:  This reverse has also been

                                                           paired with the obverse

                                                           identifiable as 1-O-V-CCW.



1946-D   7-R-II-C          PUP:  Medium doubling on DIME and

                                               UNUM.  Slightly split right branch

                                               and base.  Light doubling on ONE

                                               and RICA of AMERICA. 





1946-D   8-R-IV+VIII    PUP:  Medium doubling on STATES OF.

                                                Light on AMERICA, flame, olive

                                                leaves.  Notches on UNITED.






1946-D  9-R-II-C+VI     PUP:  Medium spread on UNITED STATES

                                               OF AMERICA and ONE DIME.


                                                  Note:  This reverse has also been

                                                             identified as having RPM# 11.


1946-D  10-R-V-CW     PUP:  Light spread on DIME and UNUM.